How To Start A Blog In 2020 From Scratch That Actually Makes Money


It will be one of the best decisions of your life that you want to start a blog. I can tell you several advantages of starting a blog.

If you are looking for a free, easy, and step by step guide to follow on how to start blogging, you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to help and guide you through this to start a blog.

Nothing can be better than following your passion and making passive income along. A great way to start a blog and build your online career which could help you reach the new heights in your life.

In the next 10 to 15 min, you will learn how to start a blog today and publish your first to post.

I have divided this guide into a concise section that’ll walk you through the process of starting a blog from today and getting your first blog published here today. So, how do you start a blog today?

For a Newbie, There are a lot of questions in your mind while starting a blog.

  • Where should you start a blog? (platform for blogging)
  • How to make a blog?
  • What niche you should pick (Blog Topic)
  • What should be your domain name?
  • Where should you host your blog?
  • How to buy hosting for your domain name?
  • How to configure your blog on the domain name?
  • Design your blog?
  • Important elements to make your blog shine?
  • How to write and publish the first blog post?
  • Is doing a blog worth it

In this free guide for beginners, I’m going to show everything you need to know when it comes to learning who to start and how to start a good blog and eventually profit from it.

How To Start A Blog In 2020 And Make Money In No Time! (Blogging For Beginners Guide)

Thus, take a cup of coffee and read this amazing content to get move on to your new journey.

Let’s start exploring all the above topics but first…

What is blogging?

A blog is a regularly updated website where new content is frequently published, typically written in an informal or conversational style, often to attract readers and generate an online income. In this guide, we are talking about how to start a blog and make money from it.

Should I start a blog & How to blog?

Blogging is one of the easiest, most convenient ways to introduce your own business and earn an online income (doesn’t matter at all from where you are in the world). Neither you need to be a professional writer, web developer nor you required any credentials or work of experience.

You can start your blog regardless of your age, location or experience and still, you can build a profitable online business.

How To Start A Blog From Start When You Have No Experience?

This blog creation guide is created for users like you who are just starting and know a little or nothing about blogging. promise you, within the next few minutes, you will have your blog up and running.

Below are the basic steps to start a blog:

Step 1: Pick a Blog and Domain Name To Start A Blog

Domain Name Do’s And Don’ts


  • Easy To Remember –  short names are often best because they reduce the chances for misspellings and a potential visitor’s forgetting the correct name.
  • A Domain name should include your brand name and/or keywords that make your product easier for customers to find.
  • Easy To Pronounce – The Domain name should be easy to communicate verbally. The best choice is when you can tell a person you meet on the street and they will be able to remember it when they get home without writing it down.


  • Try to avoid too long Domain name. Try to keep it lower than 10 characters. Ex: Paisatool
  • Don’t use Domain extension like .net, .co, .info, .uk, and so on, and the reason is they tend to rank bad in search engines. My first choice always to go with extensions like .com or .org.
  • It shouldn’t be too hard to type

First, It’s time to pick a domain name to start a blog. Above are the key secrets to be remembered while picking the domain name for your blog.

Your blog’s success depends on the name of your blog hence it is a very crucial part. A Domain is the URL of a blog/site which a visitor will use to open a blog. For Example;

A custom domain name is like, for which we need to pay 10$ to  15$ per year depending upon the plan. But you don’t worry about it as below I have shared a trick which we help you to save these 10$ to 15$ on domain purchase.

As per my experience and knowledge, there are some rules which will help to pick the best domain name for your new blog. Below are the tips:

  • Your preference should always be .com domain name above everything else.(there are many more extensions that is .org, .in, .net, .co, .info, .uk etc.)
  • Make sure your domain name should be very easy to type and pronounce
  • And you have to extra careful that your domain name shouldn’t be confusing to the listener

The technique of choosing a domain

Your Technique of choosing domain should be simply amazing and people can understand the topic of your blog from the name itself

For an example If you want to start a blog of health and fitness, then the name must be related to health and fitness only, if it is related to technology then it should be like some tech-related, if you are starting a cooking blog then the name should be related to cooking, etc.

Let me make this easier, you can use Bluehost Domain Suggestion Feature to check your domain name is available or not.

Like E-Mail address, it is challenging to get the domain name of your choice, so you need to prepare the list of your choice and then check the availability.

It is very simple just enter the blog name from your prepared list and it will show you the availability of domain names and suggestions.

Step 2: Get Your Blog Online (Purchase a Web Hosting):

The second step in starting a blog is getting your blog online. That’s what a web hosting company will do for you. In this step, you’ll be selecting the blogging platform and web hosting plan you’ll use to get your blog online.

What is Web Hosting?

If you’re familiar with the term, a “web host” is a kind of like warehouse for websites on the internet. You pay a small fee to keep your website on the internet, handle all your visitors, back up your website, and so on.

Hosting is very important for a website without it you can’t run any website.

To make your website accessible to other people on the internet, you need a “Host”. The host keeps all your website’s files safe, secure and makes sure that people can access your blog when they click on a link or type in your URL.

How much does web hosting cost?

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you. We earn a referral fee for some of the services we recommend on this page when you purchase using one of my affiliate links. the company compensates which helps keep the site running! 

Also Read: Web Hosting Reviews

Bluehost Web Hosting Reviews: Click Here

SiteGround Web Hosting Reviews: Click Here

Here I have taken the example of Bluehost because Pricing and services both are excellent.  SiteGround is one of the best hosting providers but plans are high as compare to Bluehost.

How to Choose “Best Web Hosting Service” to use?

Webhosting comes at a low cost (around $5/mo) with a high-quality hosting provider like Bluehost. Having a proper hosting company to power your blog is one of the most important investments you can make when getting started.

Well, I recommend the Best Webhosting Site is the combination of blogging platform & Web hosting I use and that most of the other bloggers use are a WordPress blog, host by Bluehost.

WordPress is a free publishing platform that’s been around since 2003 and now power more than 60% to 70% of all blogs on the internet.

There are many hosting websites are available on the internet, which is claiming to provide the best services with best offers but sometimes they get failed on their commitments. And this is a big challenge to go with the best one.

Bluehost one of the most established, reliable companies in the blog hosting industry. Bluehost is the idlest choice as it offers everything you need to create a blog, features like:

    • Unlimited Storage
    • Free SSL
    • Easy To Use cPanel
    • Unlimited Bandwidth
    • Free Domain Name (Saving of $10 to $15 /Year 
    • Excellent Customer Service / Live Chat Support
    • Moreover 30days Money Back Guarantee
    • And the best part, it only Cost only $3.95/Month*

Here is the step by step method how to buy it:


Choose your plan

Now here you are going to choose your hosting plan, lemme help you out which will be the best as per your requirement:

  • Choose the Basic plan if you want to start only one blog
  •  If you wish to start with more than 1 blog then go with Choice Plus plan –  This is the Best Value Plan

I recommend choosing the Choice Plus plan because it comes with Domain Privacy, which will protect your personal information such as your full name, E-mail address, contact number, and home address for being published anywhere online.

Choosing your plan will look like this right here. Just click the green “Select” button on the plan of your choice.


Choose your Blog’s Domain name –  Do the following as mentioned in below screenshot:

In this image, you can see 3 options as:

Create a new domain: At the moment when you get to this step in the checkout process, just type in the name of the domain name that you’d like your blog to have (Mine is

If the domain of your choice isn’t available, you can either try another domain name ( From the list that you have prepared of your own choice)

Use a domain on you own:  Enter the domain name you purchased earlier

I’ll create my domain later or Choose free domain later: In case if you are yet not ready with your domain name or you aren’t able to find the domain of your choice  (What I recommend) select the option “I’ll create my domain later or choose free domain later”.

After getting the rest of your squared away and taking little more time to think the name through.


Next Page: Create Your Bluehost Account

On the next page, you need to fill up your contact information like your name, address, Email address (It is very important to fill your best email because this is where your login details and accounts information will be sent).

You can signup with your Google account or fill your information as shown in the image below.


Selection of right hosting package

Here in the below screenshot, after filling your details, you will be asked to choose the account plan based on the price you want to lock in and how far in advance you will pay.

Account Plan: I recommend you to buy for 36 months because you get the lowest rate of $5.45/mo. if you buy for 12 months, then the price is  $7.45/mo if your budget can spring else you can choose the yearly plan as well it will also be a great deal.

Please be informed that Bluehost offers only to pay for a 1,2,3 or 5 years plan. Most hosting companies are offering monthly payment tend to charge a bit but Bluehost doesn’t.

No matter whichever plan you choose, the price works out to be a great deal to start your blog and getting it online now.


Choosing the right package extras (Skip all but one): You need to pay special attention to package extras as you can skip a few things to save money. I will suggest keeping the Domain Privacy Protection extra, but you can get away with skipping the rest.

Later on this guide, I’ll show you the many free and cheap plugins & tools you can use for SEO optimization, additional security, and site backups. Rest of the package extra not necessary.

As I mentioned above, your all personal contact information (your name, email, phone number, and address) will keep private.

If you choose the choice plus plan on the previous screen, then your domain privacy protection will be listed as “Free” exactly just like the screenshot above it’s included in that plan.

If you choose basic or plus plan then you need to check the box to add Domain Privacy Protection to your order for around $1/mo.

Now you can see the total amount you are going to pay today. Remember, you won’t have to pay again for 1,2,3, or 5yrs depending upon the package you choose.

And Very Important in if things don’t go as planned with your blog then there is a 30 Days money-back guarantee.

Enter your billing information


Under the payment information, you can complete the payment procedure, there are two ways for payment.

  • Credit Card / Debit Card: Here you can pay via credit or debit card. Note  if your transaction is not getting done via debit card, in that case, try to fulfill it from Credit card
  • Pay With Paypal: You can also fulfill the payment via your Paypal account just by clicking on”More Payment Option”

After entering your billing details, check the box that you agreed to Bluehost‘s terms of service and then hit the green submit button.


Create Your Password: Now click on the green button (as mentioned in the above screenshot) to create your password. Your password should be strong, Bluehost will suggest of your password is weak.

Woo! It’s time for a small celebration 🙂

You’ve officially completed the first major step in starting a blog.

Signing-up process completion was the initial stage, now it’s time to move on the next stage of getting your blog complete setup and optimized.

Here is the cool part: Once you are done buying hosting+domain name, Bluehost will automatically install the WordPress software on your domain name.

When you will click on “Next” after creating your password, you will be asked to choose a theme for your blog on the next page.

If you like any theme for your blog, you can choose now, unless just click on the ‘Skip’ button at the bottom to choose your theme later.

Now you are taken to the next page as shown below in the image:


Point To Be Noted:  Bluehost will host your blog on a temporary domain for 12-24hrs if you had chosen your domain name as explained above.

Even if you had selected “I’ll create my domain later” in that case too, your blog will be hosted on a temporary domain, and later on, when you will book your domain, it will automatically remove the temporary one adds your own selected/registered domain.

Step 3: WordPress Login and Overview:

Here you can either go directly to your WordPress blog dashboard just by clicking on “Start Building” or got yo can go to your Bluehost account by clicking “Go to my Bluehost account” Here in the below screenshot of your Bluehost account dashboard which will look like this.


You can log in to your WordPress account of your blog directly from this page.

After login you will find WordPress Dashboard like this here will be two option which will ask you to select “Business or Personal” site.

If you want to select you can do it as per your business else just click on the link of “I don’t need help” as shown on the below image.

Below is the image for your ready reference, you can get a quick overview through this.


Let’s create a new user with an administrator role:

When you will start the blog this will be the first thing you should do. Your default WordPress user name provided by Bluehost is ‘Admin’ which is not good and the reason is Hackers & Spammers can attack your blog with spam and malware.

You need to change this on a priority basis with string Username & Password.

The bad thing is that there is no provision is available to change the username in WordPress. But what you can do you can create a new user and delete the default user Admin;

Click on the Users as shown above on in the image and then ‘Add New’. below are the steps to change and implement:

  • Enter the details of the ‘New User’ –  Username, Email, First & Last Name.
  • Now if your password is weak and wants to change it, just click on ‘Show Password’ to see it and change the password from here, in case if it is already strong then left the way it is.
  • Now choose a role as ‘Administrator’

Here are the details of your WordPress blog account. WordPress login URL: (Replace your domain with your domain name).

Now logout of your WordPress account and log in again with a new Username & Password using the above login URL link. Username & Password will be as given in the above steps.

After login again go to Users >> then All Users, nowhere select ‘Admin’ user and delete this or change the role to ‘Subscriber’

Step 4: Design Your Blog by Choosing a WordPress Theme:

FAQ’s WordPress Themes:

  • What is WordPress Theme?
  • How & Which WordPress theme do I choose?
  • How many WordPress Themes are available?
  • Which are the good themes for my blog and the most popular themes?

Before proceeding and start building your WordPress site, we need to understand something very clearly:

Good Content matters more than anything else:

I used to receive many questions such as I have a well-designed blog but not getting enough traffic, I have been purchased a very costly theme but still not getting the audience on my blog, I had paid a good amount to the developer to create the website but failed to generate the traffic, etc.

I have been gone through on some of the Websites/Blog’s content and I found poor content, written content wasn’t meeting the customer’s expectations at all hence blogs or content was being resulted in low traffic.

You may have a site that doesn’t look good or slow, but if you uploading and writing good content, you can still get good traffic which will help to generate passive income.

On the other hand, it doesn’t matter, though. you have created the most beautiful or user-friendly website online, but if the content is poor and or sucks nobody will care about your and all hard work will go into vain.

So, when you are just getting started, I don’t usually recommend buying a paid WordPress theme on the spot but yes, once you started getting traffic or income which can justify the cost of investment, then it will be good decision to choose a paid themes with more functions and features.

So, don’t allow yourself to get lost in these details. Just try to focus on making your website functional after that you can always come back and design with paid themes.

Let’s find How to choose a WordPress theme

In WordPress is your theme is the design of your website. It shows how your blog looks to the world. WordPress comes with a ton of free themes to choose from:

  • Astra is a free WordPress theme for the blog to choose from.  You will not get a better theme than this in the free version
  • Hello Theme is another a very simple and great WordPress theme, you can try this one as well
  • Choose Astra Pro theme if you are looking for a premium WordPress theme
  • If you are looking for Advanced page builder that’ll help to customize your content, design, look & feel, choose Elementor Pro

I recommend either the Hello theme or Astra, both themes are free and can upgrade it later on.


WordPress Theme Installation

Let’s know about in which section we need to go to find out the WordPress theme and steps to install and activate it.

There are two ways available in WordPress to install the themes.

  • 1. New themes installations from’s
  • 2. Third-party WordPress theme installation
  • How to activate Installed Theme

New theme installation from’s

On the left-side navigation pane of your WordPress, go to Appearance then choose Themes then Click on Add New button.

Enter the theme name or a required feature (Example: Astra or Hello) in the ‘Search Themes’ field. Then click on the Install button


Third-party WordPress theme installation

Let’s find out the second way to install the third-party theme downloaded into your computer.

Go to Appearance then choose Themes >> Click on Add New button >>then click on ‘Upload Theme’.


Let’s know how you can activate the installed WordPress theme

Once you will finish with WordPress theme installation (as mentioned above screenshot) immediately you will get an option to Activate or Preview the theme.

If you have installed multiple themes in your WordPress and want to check preview first then go to Appearance in the left side navigation pane, you will get every theme here including default, now you can check the Preview of themes and can activate as per your convenience.

Awsome Good Job So Far !! Your beautiful blog design is ready but the task is not completed yet. Now we will get to know about functionality improvement by installing a few WordPress plugins.

Step 5: WordPress Plugins & Installation:

  • What are WordPress Plugins?
  • How & Which WordPress theme do I choose?
  • How many WordPress Themes are available?
  • Which are the good themes for my blog and the most popular themes?

WordPress plugins are played the most important and very crucial role in your blog functions.

A WordPress plugin is a type of small software or kind of ‘add-on’ that helps to provide extra features, functionality, collecting email of the subscriber, increasing your page load speed, optimizing your images, tracking your website, website SEO’s, etc. to your blog.

Now the challenge is that there are 50,000+ Free and Premium different plugins and blogging tools are to choose from. with so many options available, and with so many articles mess-up across the web ” must-have and essential WordPress plugins.

It is observed that most of the new bloggers installed so many plugins and due to that their site gets very slow to a crawl.

We have prepared selected types of WordPress plugins you need. Let’s go over the few major categories of WordPress plugins you need to install along with the recommendation of each category.

Essential WordPress Plugins You Need To Install 


SEO Plugins (Recommended: Yoast SEO)

Why SEO Plugin has required: The Yoast WordPress Plugin helps you to optimize your blog post titles, descriptions, content length and entire blog so that search engines can easily find you. It helps to drive the traffic on your blog, the more people can find your content, the better your blog will do.

you need to give reason to google to love your content SEO works the same. By using a good SEO plugin, you can make sure that your blog posts are putting their best feet forward.

Recommendation reason: Yoast is one of the best SEO plugins on the internet, a kind of gold standard for WordPress. It has both Free and Premium version, its free version offers everything you need.


E-Mail List Building Plugin: 

Why you should start building an Email List: An Email list can have a mind-blowing impact on your website traffic and revenue. This plugin stored/contains the E-mail list of those customers who visit and subscribe to your blog.

This is very helpful to grow your business and blog, turning traffic in leads is a must. You can use your email list to send out new blog posts, business announcements, and sell your products.

Why we recommend (Mail Chimp): The interface is simple and very easy to customize, you can import your email templates, It has both Free and Premium version, its free version is also good.


Performance Plugins (WP Super Cache)

Why you should install a Performance plugin: We all know that a fast loading website not only gives a great user experience, it helps in better ranking. If your blog is slow and taking too much time to load content or pages.

It will impact your site SEO, your readers will bounce and Google will rank you lower in search engine results. A good performance optimization plugin will “cache” your content to load it faster.

Why we recommend (WP Super Cache): There are many other performance plugins like WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, Auto Optimization & WP Fastest Cache, etc. But we prefer WP Super Cache for its easy to use & Simple look.

This plugin is free. Automatically compress pages. This plugin offers legacy caching. Means, load your web pages faster even for those visitors who are not logged into your sites.


Security Plugins (iThemes Security)

Why we need a security plugin: As per data analysis, it has been observed on average, around 25000 to 40000 websites are getting hacked each day. I’ll tell you that only a strong WordPress password is not enough to secure your blog and you are asking for trouble.

Why we recommend (iThemes Security): Formerly it is known as better WP security gives you over 30+ ways to secure and protect your WordPress site.

iThemes Security offers a one-click setup wizard that makes secure your site easy. iThemes security plugin comes in both Free & Premium version, currently, you can go with free version it would be a great choice too.


SocialSharingPlugins (Social Warfare)

Why we need a Social Sharing plugin: This is a very important plugin to have in your blog. It helps to increase the blog’s traffic. If existing or new visitors like your content, they will share it on their social media platform.

Why we recommend (Social Warfare): There are many social media plugins, but we will recommend going with ‘Social Warfare’ due to these reasons.

It is a very beautiful, lighting fast (Will never slow down your site) social share button to your blog. This comes with unique features like Pinterest images and descriptions and clicks to tweet boxes etc.

It is available on both Free and Pro version ($29), the free version includes all basic features you required.


Backup plugins (UpdraftsPlus)

Why we need a Backup Plugin: Creating regular WordPress backups is the best thing you can do for your website.

Backups give you peace of mind and it helps you from catastrophic situations such as when your sites get hacked or you lose data accidentally. Or in the future, you wish to switch your hosting to other competitors, etc.

Why we recommend (UpdraftsPlus): There are several free and paid WordPress backups plugin and most of them are easy to use. But our pick is ‘UpdraftsPlus’ is the most popular WordPress free backup plugin available on the internet.

This plugin supports scheduled backups as well as on-demand backups. You allow having the option to choose which files you want to backup. It is used by more than 2millions websites. It is a Free but paid version $70 (Updrfats Premium Personal) is also available


How to install WordPress Plugins?

Now we have collected information about plugins that need to be there in your WordPress blog site, let’s know about how we can install these plugins. I have pasted the screenshot below for your ready reference:

On the left-side navigation pane of your WordPress, go to Plugins then Click on Add New button.

You then have two ways available in WordPress to install the Plugins.

  • New Plugins: As mentioned below in the screenshot enter the name of the plugin in the ‘Search Plugins’ this is for free plugins from the repository.
  • Upload Plugins (Third-party WordPress Plugins installation): This is for third-party plugins that you have downloaded on your computer.

Option #1: On the left-side navigation pane of your WordPress, go to Plugins then Click on Add New button.

Enter the plugin name or a required feature (Example: WP Super Cache or UpdraftsPlus) in the ‘Search Plugins’ field. Then click on the Install button


Option #2: Upload Plugins (Third-party WordPress Plugins installation): This is for third party plugins which you have downloaded in your computer

Let’s find out the second way to install the third-party plugins downloaded into your computer.

Click the Upload Plugin button and then choose the file button now find the plugin file which you have downloaded to your computer and select it now at the last click on the Install Now button.


How to activate installed Plugins:

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to activate the installed plugins.

On the left-side navigation pane of your WordPress, go to Plugins then Choose Installed Plugins, find and select your plugin and click activate.

It doesn’t matter whether you have chosen a free plugin or from or a premium plugin from a third-party website, the activation process is the same for all.

So, we have covered the plugins section as well.

Step 6: Blog Set Up & SEO:

Faqs About Basic WordPress Blog & SEO Settings:

  • How To Improve SEO Performance?
  • How To Fix WordPress Permalink Settings & Clean-Up Default Site URL?
  • Securing The Website or Change the Website From Http to Https?
  • How To Set-Up Your WordPress Blog’s Homepage & Menu?
  • Clean-up Your Default Site URL or Adding “www” before Your Site URL

SEMrush SEO is a very long-term task. You need an advance and solid strategy, the willingness to execute, and above all, patience. But don’t worry there are many low-hanging opportunities to improve it.

The internet is full of endless articles about On-page & Off-page SEO, Keyword research, search content, etc, from where you can take help and rank your page or site.

Let’s find out the basics you must do follow when doing a new blog setup, kind of SEO basics often missed in advanced tutorials.

Make Sure Google Can Find Your Website

You have ensured search engines such as Google, Bing & Yahoo can find your blog. Below mentioned option(given in screenshot) should be Unchecked.

  1. On the left-side navigation pane of your WordPress, hover over Settings
  2. Click on Reading
  3. Here Confirm “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” us Unchecked


What Is XML Sitemap And How To Submit Website’s Sitemap To Search Engines

As per Google, a Sitemap is a file where you provide information about the available data stuff on your sites such as pages, videos, files, and the relationship between them. Search engines like Google read this file to more intelligently crawl your site.

A sitemap is when your blog new and has few external links pointing to it, a sitemap helps ensure Google is able to search the brilliant content you create.

Below is the step by step guide on How to create an XML Sitemap:

Earlier in the plugins section, we have covered Yoast SEO Plugin is very simple to create Sitemap if you have installed and activated ‘Yoast Plugin’

  1. On the left-side navigation pane of your WordPress, hover over SEO
  2. Click on General and then Click on Features tab
  3. Under Feature, tab scroll down to the XML Sitemap option and make sure the switch is toggled to On


With this step now we have an XML sitemap for our blog, now we need to submit it to Google, Bing and other search engines. To get this done now we need to copy the URL of your sitemap:

  1. Click on the question mark icon next to the XML sitemap
  2. Click on “See the XML sitemap” link


Now a new window will be opened of your sitemap in your browser, simply copy the URL in the address bar and save it on your notepad for easy access.

Let’s Submit Your Sitemap To Top Search Engines

Every search engines have its own different steps for submitting your sitemap, here we will cover the most popular search engines and we will start with Google:

1: Google Search Console

Add your website to Google Search Console

To add your website to Google Search Console follow the screen-shot:

  1. Open Google Search Console in a new tab and log in with your Gmail account,
  2. Enter your website name under URL Prefix as mentioned in below screenshot
  3. and click on Continue


After adding your website, now from the left-hand pane, select your website by following the above screen-shot (Step-2)

2: Submitting Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tool

  1. Open Bing Webmaster Tool in a new tab and log-in with your Gmail account
  2. Now follow the step# 1 mentioned in below screen-shot, enter your blog/website name and click on Add button
  3. Now followed Step# 2 and enter your few details like a country, name zip, etc to submit your sitemap
  4. and click on Save to submit the Sitemap


Hurray !! we have successfully submitted a website sitemap to Google and Bing.

Permalink URLs Structure Setting

When you set-up your WordPress blog using Bluehost, the permalink settings will already default optimized to publish new blog posts in the format of (Ex.

However, if you have set up your WordPress blog apart from Bluehost, By default, WordPress sets the link on your blog to the following format:

If it is like this then it’s very important to change them right now. This will help you rank better in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Let’s change the permalink settings:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard(Left side) hover over Settings >> Navigate to settings
  2. Click on Permalink
  3. Under Common Settings, set the option to Post name


Install an SSL Certificate (To Secure Website or Change the URL from HTTP to HTTPS

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a global standard technology that enables encrypted communication between a web browser and a web server.

Millions of online business are utilizing this to decrease the risk of sensitive information (e.g. Passwords, emails, credit cards, login credentials, etc.) SSL allows for a private conversation just between the two intended parties.

How it looks?, just refer to the below image as in a Websites URL Secure padlock and HTTPS.


Top Reasons Why we need an SSL Certificate in our Website/Blog

  • SSL Protects Data
  • SSL Affirms Your Identity
  • Readers will know your website is safe, they won’t hesitate to use your website
  • It Improves Customer Trust’s
  • Better Search Engine Rankings and many more

Installation Procedure:

  • Login to your Bluehost Control Panel or cPanel
  • Click the My Sites tab from the side navigation menu to the left
  • Locate the site you wish to activate the free SSL for, and click the Manage button
  • Open the Security tab
  • Under the security certificate toggle the free SSL ON

Just after some time, your SSL certificate will start working.

Step 7: Write Your First Blog Post


  • What is a blog Niche?
  • Writing Your First Blog (Features details & ideas)
  • Writing Good Headlines that Encouraging Readers to Click
  • Choosing an SEO Friendly URL
  • Convincing Introduction to your New Blog Post
  • Improving the Design and Layout of your first blog

Now, this is where the real fun begins, writing your first article. But wait I have a few questions for you, which should be in your mind before starting the first blog post:

  • Why should other people give attention and listen to what you are saying?
  • Do you love and care for the topic you are blogging about?
  • How your topic can add value to?

Well, to answer these questions I would like to give more attention again to picking up a clear niche.

What should be your blogging Niche?

Niche is nothing but a ‘Subject’, of the blog. this is not only the topic of your blog but even more than that.

In other words, we can say in which field you have much interest and exciting enough that you will be motivated and ready to spend hours without getting bored and accessible enough that you can build an audience.

Your interest in the niche will decide the audience you want to go after, how you going to talk to them, and how you making them understood.

So I trust, you are going to create a successful blog that’s going to be around for a very long time, thus my advise is that do not choose a niche that you are going to get bored with.

How to choose a blogging niche?

Blogging niche plays a very important role. The sooner you are able to define a niche for your blog, the better.

Once you choose your niche, it will be easier to target relevant audiences, preparing design and content, doing marketing at the right place, and most important to make a connection with relevant famous bloggers.

Remember if you are writing a post without targeting any niche (mix articles), it is not going to work at all, the audience will not show any interest in reading your posted content.

Now if you are unsure and no niche coming into your mind then don’t worry, you can follow below tips to find out best niche for your blog:

Size of Audience

Earlier it was very difficult to reach out to the targeted or relevant audience, a blogger used to work really hard. But now technology has made it very easy and cheap to reach out. Find out how we can do it.

For an online business, a good niche is like a good location. It’s where people tend to pass by and take an interest in the business. Every niche has an audience hence as much as bigger and more active the audience, the better the niche.

Here are the excellent ways to find information on an audience is to use Facebook Audience Insights. It provides a detailed analysis and further drill-down of information which will be based on as follows:

  • There are millions of active users available on Facebook and maximum users provided detailed information about them. Hence Facebook gathered the data from the information provided by users.
  • Collected data from third-party sources such as purchasing habits and household income.

How to use Facebook Audience Insight? 

It is very simple just choose the desired audience and select the segment’s parameters and you get these results (Demographics -Area, Page Likes, Location, Activity, Household, and Purchase).

You will get amazing results by sorting these-option.

Popularity in Search or Keyword Research Tool: What is a keyword?

Keywords are the words or phrases that people type into search engines. Some keywords are more popular than others, even within a profitable niche. For example. In the “Make Money “popular keywords include:

  • Make Money
  • Make Online Money
  • Make Money From Home

There are many online tools free and paid available from where we can search the volume of a keyword such as (Google Keyword Planner, Keyword Tool, Ubersuggest), etc.

Google Keyword Planner is free to use and one of the very best to use. You can also tweak your keyword such as Combine multiple keyword lists, you can also check views trend and search volumes and track performance forecast.

You can easily filter your “Searched Keyword by targeting the following parameters:

  • Competition
  • Location
  • Suggested Bid
  • Organic Impression Share
  • Language
  • Search Network and many more etc

Make a list of your ideas and prioritize:

Open your excel spreadsheet and put all your keyword including few data such as estimated search volumes, difficulty, and opportunity. You can get all these details from the above-mentioned keyword tools.

Now check thoroughly to all and assign a priority to each one either basic scale High, Medium, and Low. Check which keyword is fulfilling your needs and then go with that.

Long Term Profitable Niche:

Here what I mean to say that a profitable niche will be profitable over the long, it will never diminish from the fulfillment of the needs. To make this easier let’s think about it at this way:

Flat Belly is a high demand niche. When someone is gaining fat, they want as much as help and information as possible. But Flat belly only lasts for a few months once the reader gets the desired result (Successfully achieved Flat belly) then it’s done.

Thus this niche is short and will exist only for some time for that particular reader.

But what about scaling Flat belly to encompassing Fitness, in this way all issues related to health will be covered and a short term niche can be converted into broader and long-lasting.

So, above are the importance of doing keyword research and selecting a profitable niche.

Now let’s move on to “Write Our First Blog”🙂

Plan Your Content:

Before you start writing your first blog, you should make a Content Plan.

There are tons of fantastic tools to help you stay organized, motivated, and on track. Here are few of my favorites

Personally I will recommend using Trello. This Trello board comes with a checklist to help you write the perfect a0rticle. Here is my Trello board for managing my blog content looks like


How To Start A Blog Post In WordPress?

How to write a first blog post, kindly follow the below steps.

  • In the left-hand pane of your WordPress dashboard, hover over Posts
  • You’ll navigate to the Add New Post Section


Moving further you will be taken to a brand new article page that will appear as below. completely a blank Canvas.


Let’s walk through the few important settings in a new blog post mentioned below in the screenshot:


  1. Save Draft: This option can be used to save your ongoing article
  2. Preview: To check the look and feel of new article
  3. Publish: This is the option from where you can publish your post on the website for readers
  4. Add Title: Write your post’s Subject or Title here
  5. This blank canvas will be used to write your content matter
  6. Text: You can use this option if you are writing through coding or any product and image’s link
  7. Visual: Keep this option selected to write your post

How do I find the best blog post ideas?

This is not an easy part of creating high-quality content and coming up with the best ideas. You have to establish your self as a quality writer, and once you have done it is very tough to maintain that consistency.

We are recommending a couple of tips to find out quality content ideas:

Strategy 1: Find out the needs of your Readers

Being as a blogger you need to find out what are the problems your readers are struggling with, what are the most common topics they are interested in?

Are they wondering how to earn passive income or they need more traffic on your website?

Bloggers who are able to answer this burning problem and has an excellent idea, they have a leg up on the competition.

Find out how to choose the best blog post article by clicking on this link – Content created by Neil Patel: How to Come Up with 93 Blog Ideas in 10 Minutes

Strategy 2:  Get Blog Post Idea by Using “BuzzSumo”

Buzzsumo is a powerful online tool that allows any user to find out what content is popular by topic or any website.

If you want to provide content that people want to know, you need to know what is popular and what you can do through this amazing tool.

Writing Good Headlines that Encourage Readers to Click

This is very important to create a magnetic headline or titles to perform well your blog posts.

Writing consistently great, powerful, and attractive headlines can lead to your post and page at the next level. No matter what your content size is.

As per a survey performed by Copyblogger, 80% of your readers will read your headlines, 20% of readers will go in-depth of the article.

Check out this article written by Mr. Nathan Ellering: Here Are The 101 Catchy Blog Title Formulas That Will Boost Traffic By 438%

Choosing an SEO Friendly URL

URL customization is extremely important for your new post if you want organically rank in google search results.

SEO Friendly URL is the URL’s that are designed to meet the needs of users and searchers

Specifically, the URL’s customized for SEO tend to be short and keyword-rich.

Search engines use webpages URL to understand what your content is all about based on your Content, title tag and linked anchor text

While Ranking, your article on search engines, below are some Best Practices that should be done when writing an article and creating URL.

    • Use a Keyword: You should always contain a keyword phrase in your URL, that you want your page to rank for
    • Keep your keyword Short and Sweet, it should not more than 3-5 words in length and the reason is long URL’s confuse Google and other search engines
    • Type in Lowercase:  Use lowercase for all the letters in your URL’s
    • Use Hyphens In-Between words: Remember to separate each word of new post URL with Hyphens or dash “-“
    • Do not use “Dates” in your URL
    • Don’t use entire WordPress blog post title in your URL

While Ranking, your article on search engines, below are some Best Practices that should be done when writing an article and creating URL.

    • Use a Keyword: You should always contain a keyword phrase in your URL, that you want your page to rank for
    • Keep your keyword Short and Sweet, it should not more than 3-5 words in length and the reason is long URL’s confuse Google and other search engines
    • Type in Lowercase:  Use lowercase for all the letters in your URL’s
    • Use Hyphens In-Between words: Remember to separate each word of new post URL with Hyphens or dash “-“
    • Do not use “Dates” in your URL
    • Don’t use entire WordPress blog post title in your URL

Convincing Introduction To Your New Blog Post

Let me introduce you to the introduction. Introductions are the first impression, you have one or two sentences to convince readers your new post is worth their time so you get to make them once.

Your blog post introduction must have a hook. Here are a few hooks which you can use in your blog post.

  • Be Personal: Addressing your readers like a friend and sharing a personal story with them can be a great way to do so
  • Be Exciting: It would be a good idea by creating a mystery in your introduction that then reveal in the main part. This strategy will create a bridge from the headline (which should offer a promise) to the middle part which delivers the promise
  • Lead With A Story: A Personal story would be great to get your reader in
  • Use Colorful Language
  • Start With A Quote

Improving The Design and Layout Of Your First Blog

Is your blog easy to read?

Is your content great blog post layout is the obstacle?

Being a blogger. we spent most of the time writing a quality article but spending time on blog post design and layout is equally important.

It will not be going to work at all if your blog post full of quality content but readers are not feeling comfortable while reading due to bad layout, they will jump out from the site.

Let’s have a look at points that needs to take care of:

Text Alignment:

Do not centralize the text ever in posts. It’s looking very bad and hard to read.

Just think about when was the last time you have read Magazine, Newspaper or Book and the text was center-aligned. We are used to reading from left to right, centralized breaks the rhythm.

Your blog post should be readable:

  • Font Size: It is very important to make sure your font size is big enough to read. On E-mail and Wordpad 10pt-12pt size is good to read but when it’s come to Blog the size should be 16pt
  • Paragraph size as per SEO: Your paragraph shouldn’t be more than 3 lines, you can start another paragraph if it is taking more lines
  • Avoid Unnecessary or Negative Spaces: Unnecessary or Negative Spaces doesn’t create a good impression hence to try to remove extra spaces from posts

Featured Image

A blog post without a featured image is just like a product packed in-plane package.

You have two options to attract your audience Verbally and Visually and as per the study, these are the two ways in human brains to remember things.

Once you combine these two methods through on top of your blog (as a featured image) the people will remember it and it will automatically increase your traffic.


Do not finish your post abruptly, find a way to engage with readers further.

A quick guide to your post should be there before ending the post.

Asking your audience to give feedback is a great way to keep people reading to the end and encourage more comments.

Color Scheme

Design is not about crazy colors, picking a wrong color can impact on your readers and post.

For example, You may love with blue, red, or pink as per your main theme or logo, but it might not be the right choice for your text and background of your blog posts.

Remember, readability is the key to having readers stick around and it is also one of the most important parts of SEO.

Publishing Your First Blog

Ideally, a blog should be written minimum 1000 range of words, if it is more than that you are very good to go. And once you complete the post you are almost ready to publish.

There is a couple of checkpoints that have to be cross-checked before hitting the publish button.

  • Is your written blog post-SEO Friendly?- Earlier we had covered Yoast SEO part so this is based on that. When you will write an article you need to take care of Yoast SEO suggestions and ensure your blog post is SEO Friendly, A good chance of ranking well in organic search. Below is the screenshot:


How Grammarly can help you to write an SEO friendly article with no mistake, check this.

  • Choosing A Blog Post Category: Post completing the SEO part you need to choose which category this new post will fall under and tick that box. Find below screenshot


Now A Blog Post Category: Post completing the SEO part you need to choose which category this new post will fall under and tick that box. Find the above screenshot.

Step 8: Promote Your Blog & Boost Your Traffic:


  • Using Social Media To Promote Your Blog
  • Guest Blogging On The Relevant Blogs And Site
  • How To Use Email Newsletter To Grow Your Blog
  • How To Make Money From Blogging In Easy Steps

So, we have got everything covered and your first blog post is live. Now its time to promote your blog content.

Let’s be honest since you are a beginner blogger no one will pay attention to your blog. For this, you could write the most amazing piece of content which is unique and newly introduced to the world.

As per top bloggers, you need to spend just as much time promoting your posts as you do writing them. Ideally, I will suggest promoting your content heavily than writing to them.

You can follow below mentioned few best ways to start sharing your content and getting them in front of the world.

Step 1: Using Social Media To Promote Your Blog

It Seems new social networks are coming out every month. But there are few very big social networks and niche social networks are available. Many opportunities to promote your content heavily on these social networks.

Most of the people it’s not reasonable to try to use them all.

Some people tried using every social site network, but this is not the right way to approach.

A better strategy is to focus a couple of social networks or I will suggest only one instead of multiple.

Let’s see how we can determine the best social network for promoting your blog.

It is very difficult to choose the best social channel that can give you the best possible returns. Every social network has its own audience traffic as per their niches, Below details will help you out to understand the category of famous social site


Above mentioned platforms are the tops social networks site. I will strongly recommend pick any of them and just keep the focus on it. It will be good to keep the focus only on one and forget about others for a while.

Now the question is which is the best social network platform? so the answer depends on where ideal readers hang out. For some niches Instagram is good and for others Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Twitter, etc.

Step 2: Answer Question On Quora

Quora is a website platform, where anyone can ask and answer questions. for this you need to create an account via Google, Facebook, Twitter, or simply with your mail id as well.

Create a profile on Quora: Open quora and create a detailed profile of your niche, most of the time people hesitate to take time to fill the complete profile, and this lead to a bad result.

  • The headline should be strong with the profile bio
  • Add each asked details in the profile summary
  • A detailed description of your business and niche in the Bio section

Finding questions and writing answers: Post completing your profile now its time to find the strong questions that attract most views and upvotes.

Very attentively you need to write your answers, there is no tool or formula available which can help you to write perfect quora answers. You need more n more practice to give your best.

Go deep in question while answering: It’s very simple if you want to beat your competitors and want to rank your answer then it should be well researched and full of its detail, also try to spend a good time and put some visual graphics as well.

Step 3: Promote to your existing audience via email newsletter:

I have many bloggers who hesitate to promote their content to their existing audience.

If you are also following the same methodology to promote your content, you won’t get far.

Promoting to your own audience is a kind of best method to gain traffic and visitors rather than promoting others.

Own audience doesn’t mean only an email newsletter it can is also considered as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest Instagram.

This is how promoting your own audience is beneficial, your existing audience is your loyal one. Initially write an article then reach your audience via email newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest Instagram.

Now if you have written a really powerful content then your existing audience will do mouth publicity and you will get readers who have never heard about your article.

Building an Email List: This is the most powerful way to keep the readers engaged and excited about the work you are doing.

This is very important to collect the email ID of every new visitors and the process is very easy to do so. Simply put a signup form within your article and on other important pages as well.

But wait how readers will agree to provide their mail ID’s, for that you can offer some special content (at free of cost) for readers in return for their mail ids.

You can choose Mailchimp the best free email marketing tool to get started with. Apart from Mailchimp there are many more email marketing tools are available which is as per below:

Above mentioned tools are a bit costly hence we have suggested Mailchimp which is available in both free and paid.

Apart from that, you can also try MailerLite which is free for users with 1000 or fewer subscribers.

Step 9: How To Make Money Blogging: (How to start a blog)

  • How Much Money We Can Earn From Blogging?
  • Ways To Make Money:- Freelancing
  • Affiliate Marketing Amazon, Bluehost, Clickbank, Hostinger, etc
  • Make money with Google Adsense &

How much money we can make from blogging?

Well, this is the first question that comes into the mind of every newbie. But believe it has every potential and can change your life if you will take it seriously and drive it religiously.

Just like in other professions ( Lawyer, Scientist, Doctor, etc.) there are different levels of blogging who are earning around $1000 to $50,000 per month.

The earning is completely depended on a few factors such as:

  • What niche you have chosen for blogging?
  • How much time you are spending to learn and then implementing
  • What kind of digital marketing platform you are using?
  • What traffic sources you are using to get more traffic, are you only depended on free traffic or also using paid one?
  • Are you regular to your blog?

Let’s cover-up the different ways to make money:

Step #1:  Freelancing

This is the easiest way If you want to earn money from right away, then selling your services can be a great idea. almost every blogger doing the same including myself self and they are charging $5 to $5000 per article.

How does(Freelancing) it work? If you want to really interested to sell your services, then there multiple ways:

  • Create Your Profile On Freelancing Sites
  • Build A Page In Your Website ” Hire Me”

Create your profile on freelancing sites: there are many freelancing websites are available who will hire you.

To get the first project you need to create your strong profile and put every detail of yours so that clients show interest in you. below are sites where you can start:

We are strongly recommending Fiverr, not only you can earn handsome money but also it provides you free learning courses to develop your skills and teach you how to pitch to clients.

Step #2: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a program or practice where an affiliate gets paid by promoting products of the manufacturer.

An affiliate can be done by anyone such as Single, Company, Group, etc. Let’s make it easier for better understanding.

When we run an affiliate program there are three parties involved in this system which are:

  • Product Manufacturers: We can also say a place where products are getting prepared so this party own the products or brands
  • The Affiliate: We can also know as the person who sells this product or influence the people or customer to buy the product. They use different kinds of platforms to influence the people and make the sale such as Facebook, Instagram, Blog, Website, etc
  • The Customer: This word has not required any definition, simply this is the party who consumes the product.

So it works like this.

There are end numbers of companies which are providing affiliate program, like Clickbank, Bluehost, Amazon Affiliate, Flipkart affiliate, Neobox, and many more.

How to make money through blogging as an affiliate marketer?

You can refer their product to your readers by advertising them on your website. Write and detailed review post of that particular product and paste the affiliate link or banner in your post. Booom !!

Now whenever anyone makes purchases from your referral link your will get your money called commission in your account.

Here are the tips to earn money through blogging as an affiliate marketer:

  1. The first step is you need to find out the company for affiliate marketing like Amazon, Neobox, Clickbank, Bluehost, Hostgator, Siteground, and Hostinger, etc. you can also search for more sites available on the internet as per your views.
  2. Create an account and wait for the approval to sell their product and services from a respected company
  3. Check their commission rates if it is ok then proceed further
  4. They will provide a special banner or link to place on your website
  5. You can write a detailed review blog post on this particular product by Displaying ads and promotional links

Check out brief detail on Affiliate marketing written by Armando Roggio

The amazing thing about an affiliate is that you win from both sides, you help your audience buying the best product, you earn money with passive income, and most importantly you learn about what products and services your audience is like to buy.

Step #3: Sponsoring Content of Client Through Blogging

What is sponsored blog content? A sponsored blog is when a company wants to use your platform or website for advertising their products.

It may be written by you or by the advertisers but most of the time they want you to write a blog post about their company. However, it could be a social share, mention in your e-mail newsletter, or a sponsored podcast episode.

It is very straightforward the way they work. A company reaches out to you and pays you a fee in order to get their content or offer in front of your audience in the form of blog sponsorship. that means you will likely need some semblance traffic of readers on your site.

What are the charges of the sponsored post? Charges of sponsored post is a bit complicated, charging amount for the paid placement on your site should take several factors into consideration. Which are:

  • Traffic volume
  • Post engagement
  • Social media presence
  • Newsletter open rates
  • Podcast downloads

Above mentioned all factors will count when you will calculate your fee of a sponsored post. Let’s look at traffic and how to figure out fair charges on this measurement.

Take the last three months’ page views of your website from Google Analytics Tool. Less than 3 months of traffic data wouldn’t be able to cover the actual fluctuation of realistic traffic numbers.

Now divides the total number of traffic volumes with 3. (For example, if your last three months traffic count is 200000 / 3 = 66,666.67/Per month traffic volume) This is your average monthly traffic.

Once you came to know about monthly traffic, divide the total by 1000 (66,666.67 / 1000) = 66.66. The answer which will come it would be your CPM number (Cost Per Impression). This is the formula that is getting used by advertising networks to determine how much to pay you.

Once you have your CPM number, now you will need to charge a rate. Figure out the high and low range. The range to calculate is $3.00 – $6.00  per 1000 Impressions

  1. 66*3=$200
  2. 66*4=$266
  3. 66*5=$333
  4. 66*6=$400

The above will be the minimum amount you will charge. when you will include other factors the charges will increase more.

Remember: You should never charge less than $250 for a sponsored post

Step #4: Make money with Google Adsense &

On the internet, there are many ways to monetize your websites like Google Adsense, Media, net, etc. But most famous if Google Adsense platform.

Most of the channels are related to providing third party products or services to your website visitors.  These advertising programs can help you to earn money.

How to work with Google Adsense?

The working process with Google Adsense is very simple, you need to create an account and fill all the required details and submit the application, it will take a few days to get approval once it approved, create ad code and paste it into your website page and that’ all Boom !!

Now Google will show the ad on your website which will be related to your post or website.

How to work with is a new alternative to the Google Adsense program where bloggers and publishers both can make money. The Yahoo Bing contextual ads network partnered with Media.netadvrtising network.

The RPM (Revenue Per 1000 Impressions) of is high which is made its best competitor of Google Adsense.

Here are the Term & Conditions if you want to run Ads by

  • Copyright guidelines to be followed very strictly, need to update the site frequently
  • Content of the site should be great and original and able to generate good traffic
  • Clicks on ads should come genuinely on site
  • Your site, content should not encourage hatred speech, racism, drugs pornography, etc

Check out earning methods in-depth “How To Make Money Blogging: Six Guaranteed Methods For Success” written by Great blogger Mike Brown.

Step 10: Use Photos & Designs: (How to Start a Blog)

As per research, it is proved that posts with images get more than 80% views as compare to those who don’t. There are high chances to get views sharing the post on social media like Facebook and Twitter.

Royalty-Free Blog Images 

Now the question is that what would be the resources of free images and design?

It is damn true by adding a few images on your post you can change the whole look & feel of post. So, here are the top free sites from where you can get free photos:

  • Pixabay: This one is my personal favorite due to the flexibility you can do whatever you want to do with images, it has a huge collection of over 1.5 million photos, videos, etc.


  • Unsplash: This is another great site with a huge collection of photos of high quality. Remember this with the free account  your quantity of download is a bit limited, you will get 10 photos  for 10 days, 1 image per day


  • Pikiwizard: This has over 100,000 completely free images on the site. It comes with a free browser-based image editor and you can edit your image very easily


  • Death To The Stock Photos: You will get a photo of the month collection subscription services, very easy to join. But if you are looking for something a bit more exclusive and are willing to spend a bit of money, Death  To Stock send you a curated collection of free images.


  • Morgue File: This site has a really magnificent and impressive photo collection of more than 329,00.


Free Blog Designs

Whether you’re creating websites or writing posts graphics designs play a pivotal role in their look & feel also it make things easier to understand.

There is an end number of design resources let’s cover the top sites. Most important, you don’t have required any technical skills like Photoshop to use these tools, here the best free design sites.

  • FontPair: was designed specifically to help designers to pair fonts from google fonts. It can be extremely time-consuming to click through many different fonts to see which work best for you, thanks to FontPair can save you valuable time.



  • Canva: This is one of my favorite sites, it is incredibly intuitive, full of social media images and quotes. This site is very easy to use, it comes with a drag & drop option which can make your design ready in just a few seconds. It has hundreds of pre-made templates that you can use to get started


  • PicMonkey: Another photo editing tool that is entirely online. It has also a mobile app to edit photos and design.


  • Visme: This is another very good site for infographics and presentations


How To Start a Blog In 2020 and Get Paid: Frequently Asked Questions:

Should I Start a Blog in 2020?

We are asked many questions by readers !!!

What is blog?

How to create a blog

Can I start a blog for free?

Can you still make money starting a blog?

How much does it cost to start a blog in 2020?

How do I choose a good domain name for my blog?

How do bloggers make money?

How to start a blog WordPress?

How to start a blog business?

Why I start a blog? Should I start a blog?

What kind of blog should I start?

What is a blog?

A blog is a regularly updated website where new content is frequently published, typically written in an informal or conversational style, often to attract readers and generate an online income.

How to become a blogger? How to make a blog?

becoming a blogger is very easy, you can follow the above steps and get implemented, and you can start your blog from today itself.

How to start a blog for free in 2020?

Can you still make money starting a blog?

Maybe you are worried about the cost of the domain name and hosting plan building your own blog. So there is no need to worry, there are many ways you can follow and start your own blog in the next few minutes, and creating a blog is very easy.

Of course, there are few resources and platforms (Blogger, Tumblr, Wix) from where you can start your blog for free. While setting up your free blog hosting, the below sites will help you. 

Remember: Free services will depend on the terms and conditions of respective sites, there are limitations available in free sites.

However, if you want to set up your business through your blog then I will strongly recommend going with the paid plan of Bluehost which we have covered step by step in the above section.

Here is the reason why you shouldn’t depend on the free hosting services and should consider affordable services:

  • In free services there is no backup facility available hence blog services can disappear overnight
  • They hardly give any support to the free services
  • only 20% chances are to monetize your site and they have some limits as well
  • In the free version, there will always be a lack of control to manage your blog like editing, building sites, themes, etc
  • Once your free blog get famous or started generated traffic it will be complicated to upgrade with paid one, a fear os losing your content or hard work

Take some time to decide with which services you want to go

Why I start a blog? Should I start a blog?

It is reasonable if this question is also coming in your mind. As we know video content microblogging on each social media like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc are dominating the platforms.

If this question is also coming in your mind then let me sought out to this.

However, this is not true at all and the reason is:

  • Around 100,000 of new blogs are getting created by every day
  • As per market research, 75% of internet users read blogs on a regular basis
  • Statista reports that only in US number of bloggers are more than 30 million in 2020
  • Around 69 Million new blog posts on WordPress are written in a month

The above data represents that you are on a very good track so Start A Blog Now.

More good reasons to start a blog:

  • You are looking to build your personal brand
  • If You want to build an online business yourself
  • Looking for a way to earn passive income
  • If you want to get rid out of from 9-5 slavery
  • You enjoy learning new things
  • Facing a financial crisis you must start a blog

If any reason from above motivated you and you are feeling excited then you should definitely start a blog without even a single thought.

Once you started your blog and if you want people to read what you are writing, you need to give them a reason too.

So the best technique is writing exciting & great content, connecting with people in your niche, and enthusiastically sharing what you are writing.

When you successfully collaborated with all the above things then, The Traffic, monetization, and everything else will follow.

I have written this guide because starting a blog has been one of the most empowering, life-changing decisions I have made in my life.

Now I believe you feel confident and enough to go out there and start a blog of your own.

How much does it cost to start a blog in 2020?

It really depends on your goals and the type of blog you want to start.

If your blogging goals are not to grow an audience and make money.  you can avail of free services of blogging to write your content.

However, if your purpose is to earn passive income by starting a blog you need to go with paid services.

  • Webhosting + Domain from Bluehost is $3.95 per month for the first billing period

You can upgrade your plan once you started earning a decent amount from your blog.

Is WordPress Free?

As per Google, WordPress is released under the GNU or GPL General Public License. which means anyone can download, edit customize, use it. the software itself is free but you might end up paying for, hosting premium support.

Monetization FAQs

How do bloggers get paid?

Bloggers who monetize their blog get paid. There are many different ways to get paid from, let’s cover it:

  • Placing ads on your blog (Google Adsense, and many more)
  • Affiliate marketing (As we covered in the above section step by steps)
  • Selling Products (including info products like ebooks and courses)
  • Writing sponsored posts and working with brand
  • Membership sites
  • Taboola native ads program

So these are the few very famous ways to earn money from your blog. If your blog starts getting a high volume of visitors, invite advertisers (businesses and companies) who might be interested in advertising on your blog.

How much do bloggers earn?

Blogging is the best business in the world to earn. I don’t even feel like blogging is work because it’s fun being creative and connected with readers.

Here’s what’s possible for the 70% of the people who is willing to publish 3X a week of strategic content without fail

Year 1: $500 to $1000

Year 2: $1000 to $2000

Year 3: $2000 to $5000

Year 4: $5000 to $20000

Year 5: $20000 to $50000

As above mentioned yearly income is the minimum amount but you can make even more if you are doing it strategically by the below methods:

  • Grow your e-mail list as large as possible
  • Write a lucrative niche you love
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Drive traffic by advertising your blog
  • Your own course or product revenue

A Quick Overview On How To Start a Successful Blog In 10 Easy Steps

Starting a Blog Checklist

Pick a blog and domain name

Get your blog online (Purchase a web hosting)

WordPress Log-in and Overview

Design your blog by choosing a WordPress theme

WordPress plugins and Installation

Blog Set-Up & SEO

Write Your First Blog Post

Promote Your Blog and Boost Your Traffic

How To Make Money Blogging

Use Photos & Designs

That’s it!

I tried to cover as much as I could for a newbie that how to start a blog, feel free to comments us if you still have a question in your mind related to blogging.

Now, I want to know how your blogging journey is coming along too.

Drop me a line in the comments below!

Thank me ❤️ by sharing this article !!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Sandeep Dev
    1. Sandeep Dev

      Great to hear that, Richa! Good luck growing your blog over the coming weeks and months

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    1. Sandeep Dev

      Thanks for the kind words, Himanshu! Agreed!

    1. Sandeep Dev

      Hey Reaz,
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